Cocktail of the Month; Gin Tonic
This month we have selected Gin Tonic for the Cocktail of the month. Of course you don’t need instructions how to make one, but we get the repeated question about our perfect serve for the RoyalTea Gin. Personally, we don’t really believe in a specific perfect serve. Tastes vary and a perfect serve should therefore be personal. But we are happy to share our best G&T with RoyalTea Gin as a base, and the thinking behind it.
Besides the base gin, the selected tonic has a big impact on the Gin-Tonic. There are many different brands and flavours available. As a distiller we prefer to recognise the taste of our gin in a G&T. Thus we select a mildly flavoured tonic and steer far away from the powerfully overflavoured variants with elderflower or mandarin. In our eyes it would be a waste to build a G&T using a well crafted gin only to taste the artificial flavours from the applied tonic. Therefore we used a neutral tonic such as indian tonic made by Fever Tree, which has the added advantage of being not too sweet resulting in a fresher G&T.
Mixed with tonic the tea flavours from the earl grey gin become even more apparent, to compensate we garnish our perfect serve wit grapefruit that lifts the citrus and juniper berries to boost the gin base.
Drop the icecubes into a glass, then add RoyalTea Gin together with the grapefruit parts and juniperberries. Swirl a few rounds, add Tonic, then swirl a few times more.