Cocktail of the Month; Rosemary Greyhound

Cocktail of the Month; Rosemary Greyhound

This month we have a cocktailsuggestion tailloerd to the season; the Rosemary Greyhound is exceptionally fruity en radiates spring season (maybe even summer). The classic greyhound recipe requires gin or vodka, we make our Rosemary Greyhound with RoyalTea Gin and an added twist of rosemary. This requires a little extra effort but provides a depth of flavour that is truelly worth it.

Rosemary Syrup

The recipe for Rosemary Greyhound requires a little rosemary syrup, this is the quick and easy way to prepare a syrup. When bottled in a clean flask and stored in the fridge this syrup will stay good for multiple weeks.


  • 1 fresh sprig rosemary (~10 cm)
  • 125 ml Water
  • 125 g sugar


Add everything to a pan and slowly heat untill boiling. The sugar will dissolve into a sugar syrup, when fully dissolved and boiling take the pan of the stove and allow to cool. While cooling the rosemary will give flavour to the syrup, allow to stand for at least an hour, longer is better. When done poor through a strainer into a clean bottle or jar and store cold.

For the Rosemary Greyhound


  • 60 ml RoyalTea Gin
  • 120 ml Grapefruitjuice
  • 20 ml Rosemary Syrup
  • 1 sprig Rosemary (garnish)
  • Icecubes


Drop the icecubes into a glass, then add RoyalTea Gin together with the grapefruitjuice and the rosemary syrup. Gently stir and add garnish. Cheers!

Rosemary Greyhound
Posted on: April 1, 2017Dutch Craft Distillery